
This is the final post of the blog. This post summarise our 14 weeks journey of biomimicry and provide some recommendation to further improve this project. 

As a final post to conclude our biomimicry journey, here is a summary of the past posts. In the beginning, the anatomy of the crocodile was first discussed to highlight the several unique features of the crocodile. The next post talks about more in-depth review of these distinct features and the working mechanism behind these nature wonders. The following post focuses on other bio-inspirations by the crocodile or other inventions that was inspired by the crocodile. After that, our team came up with our own idea that was inspired by the crocodile which is the piezoelectric sensor and the theory as well as the principle behind our idea was discussed. Finally, each of the team member express our own reflections and thoughts about the blog.

To conclude, we learnt, studied and came up with new ideas all based on one animal. This is the beauty and importance of application of biomimicry. If so many things can be studied and inventions can be inspired by merely one animal, biomimicry of the entire animal kingdom gives us endless possibilities to come up with amazing creations that can provide engineering solutions. The Moonwalker strongly believes that biomimicry should be study and apply more widely in the future.

To further improve the project, more focus on several aspects can be done: research, time, budget. More research should be done to gain more detailed understanding both about the crocodile and the biomimicry techniques. An increase in time and budget will allow for more detailed design of the proposed piezoelectric sensor. Time is necessary for us to conduct more studies and improvement on the design of the sensor. Budget is necessary for the building of prototype which allows us to do further testing to further validate our design and to do any necessary changes to improve the design.

Lastly, we would like to express our greatest gratitude to everyone that follows our blog and most importantly to Dr. Yong Leng Chuan for giving us the opportunity and guidance to study about biomimicry. The last 14 weeks had been an interesting journey as we get to learn new things that gain more understanding about crocodiles. It also helps us to extend our creativity and ability to come up with new idea in the future. 


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